Friday, January 20, 2012

The Mystery: What Makes Their Blood Boil?

 I was listening to a friend say " I tell you, nosy people just burn me up! They make my blood boil!". 
That made me remember of a strange thing read about not to long ago. It was kind of intriguing. Yet, scary and I wondered could this happen to anyone? The theory or topic of "spontaneous combustion". Spontaneous combustion is when the body apparently just burst in to flames killing the person. There is no known cause, nor has there ever been any "official declaration" of any of the suspected causes of the spontaneous combustion. One reason there has never been a official cause of death accepted in this matter is because scientist are not convinced that it has ever happened. As a scientist if it can not be observed rested and retested under a certain set of criteria, it does not exist. I guess I can see how stringent measures of testing needs to be applied in many things that may be a mystery or unknown. One reason this is important is it is always prudent to separate fact from fiction for important reasons. If this is a real occurrence, my don't we want to prevent it form happening? Of course we do and it my lead us to understanding other things about how the human body works. Before I get to far, let me detail as much as I can, what happens (if it is not self explanatory already). Much of this is observation in the after effects, strangely enough no one has ever witness the begging stages of the occurrences. No one is ever around to see someone "say help me I am on fire". Normally someone may look over and see combustion happening at best. A recent case ( the first documented case goes back 1663 in Paris by a Danish anatomist Thomas Bartholin) happened in Ballybane Galway, Ireland in December 2010. It was the first and only case of its kind. The a young man was found having been burn to death. There was no evidence any flammable fluids and no other flame origin. However, as in all cases the body was burned to ashes and the only area in the siting room where he was the, floor under him and the ceiling about where he was minimally. In all cases the very area where the body sat, stood, or slept was the only area burned. For instance in the earliest case in Paris, the the women's had body had burned to ashes while she slept. Even though her bed was made of straw, no other area around the bed was burned (picture a a burnt chalk  line that outlined the the body). What could have caused this, what thing is so flammable or combustible that the body it's self is burned to ashes but the area around the victim is totally untouched. Even if one were to go with the theory that the body some how burns form its own chemicals, it would not explain the flash burn. It takes 2000 degrees Fahrenheit  to burn the body to ashes. In what area of science has there been a situation where this can occur? One instrument can cause this? Only thing I can think of is a lazor. Although this may sound far fetched, does not chemicals in the body taking on a combustible mix so volatile it it burns  in lightening speed to ashes?  Well, the only thing for sure is that it definitely one of these things that are strange, but interesting, don't you think?       

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Recipes From Beyond

Okay I am not very sure if people who have passed or died can communicate with the living. Well I even feel funny for saying "people who have died". I believe once your energy leaves this plane, it is off to another place, not to be returned. However, that discussion is for another blog. Getting back to my current tell, I mean can people really communicate after their passing. One women, a medium, who was on the late night radio show I was listening to said she has always been able to hear, and most of the time see the people who have passed. That's not even the most interesting thing about her claims. The most interesting thing is that most of the dearly departed she has communicated with, has not given her the location of that poor sweet family cat that had been missing and dead right under the house crawl space, or what the next lottery numbers are, or where lost life insurance policies are, or a coveted wedding ring is, or not even what the "other side is like". Of all things, they tell her their coveted cooking recipes! I am not making this up. She said "you know how everyone, especially females have those recipes that never reveal the ingredients to, or that they leave out the most important ingredient?" "I am told that ingredient so that I can make it". Oh I laughed from a good old healthy place from this woman's stories. I didn't laugh because I did not believe her, it was that these people or spirits remembered they shafted their loves on out of the main ingredient of a delicious recipes. I thought about the scene when they were living. I think it went something like this...daughter -in- law asked, " Mama Deena, Frank loves your fried cabbage dish " Can you please tell me how to make it? He does not rave about mine when I make it." Mama Deena looks at her daughter-in law and says I really don't give out my recipes honey.  But, I want my son to eat as good as he did with me. Now you have to know I cook a little differently from you dear so it may not come out the same but I know you will do your best. The recipe is such an such an such...." and that's all I put it in it, with love." You have to picture a smirk on Mam Deena's face as she give's her the last ingredient. Oh that is funny. But now that Mama Deena has passed, she has had some second thoughts about the deed. In comes the median. She can now lay her recipe so she can now surely rest. You know I don't doubt her. It doesn't mean the whole story in it's entirety, is not humorous though.  At any rate, I hope the recipes
that are chronicled in "spirit filled"  (could not resist that one) cook book are truly delicious and bring lots of joy,  laughter, good feelings and full stomachs even more than her compilation of how she wrote her cook did for me.
One more thing, I thought a good title for her would be "The Ghost Recipe Whisperer" What do you think?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Strange Green Lights Seen Falling From The Sky

Recently I had a strange thing happen while driving with my daughter. On the edge of a new year, precisely 2011 at around 11pm on December 31, I was driving on a city street, when out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash when I did a full turn to view the flash, I saw a green ball falling from the sky. It was clearly green and was descending. I looked but said nothing (I not going to be seeing things in my head like that I thought), then my daughter shouted "Did you see that?". I said, I think so, she said "It was a green fire ball that looked like it fail to the ground". I said yes it was strange. We talked about what it might have been all the way home. Could it had been a meteor that burned before it actually hit the earth? It did not look much like a meteor. As soon I got home I did an internet search to see if anyone else had reported the green ball citing in my area. To my surprise I could find nothing in my area for the time we had seen the green fire ball. But, what I did find was a many citing in other cities states and countries. In fact all over the country. The stories are the same, someone driving or maybe just out for the night sees a green ball falling from the sky, but never sees an explosion or hears any loud bang. Most are equally impressed and know they are not seeing an meteor. If you do a search you'll find many explanations though, none can be substantiated. Many explanations have spiritual connection. The fire balls have been said to be natural phenomenons occurring as a result of natural atmospheric conditions. Well what does that mean? It means something  in the environment caused it naturally. Okay this is like saying the birth of a child is caused by the water sac breaking. Also, the green fire balls are categorized as a UFO. Now this we can all agree on, its' flying, its unidentified, right? One spiritual connection is that there is a war of the angels and the the "dark side" is sending warriors to earth.   Other take a more terrestrial explanations of aliens coming to earth for such a time as to be revealed later. It first reported in New mexico (aren't all extra terrestrial events) in the 1940's. They were first a military concern because of the proximity they wold fall to U.N. governmental research facilities. 
Even though there are said to be conferences convened concerning the green fire ball source, there is no official explanation documented by any research group. Secret conferences were convened at Los Alamos to study the phenomenon and in Washington by the US Scientific Air force Advisory Board, no official public explanation has ever been given from the government either. I just can't say what the lights maybe. It just maybe one of those things that make you either have to completely forget about it, or make you have to do more research until you can better understand it. For me, I'll just say, for now, it is one of those unknowns. There are many things in life that defy an explanation. Therefore, I pick and choose what I let my brain's attention migrates to,(or so I think I do).