Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why The Illuminati Have Connections To You (or do they? )

About two years ago I was watching a video. I ran across a comment that asked "  do you guys know you are watching an Illuminati message through this video?". I replied to the comment and said "really what's the Illuminati and why are they sending messages through this music? The reply came back "It is an elite  satanic group that wants to rule the world." What? Really?. Okay I heard about the study that was done in the late 1950's where "buy popcorn" buy soda" ( or something to that effect) on the screen in a movie theater to see if the subliminal messages could increase sale. Sure enough, sells went up 57%. The government banned any such "marketing" tactics.

IN other words subliminal messaging is powerful and real. I thought no way is my music tainted? Well I had to get more information and try and find out why anyone would want to place subliminal messages in music, I started from the research of  who is said to behind such a thing and why. Here's what I found... there are two thoughts about the Illuminati. The first is one that the group was formed 100's years ago and their goal was one of learning and studying things of science and religion. However, the reach for knowledge had to go underground, because of the "roman church"  (but the Bavarian government was held as the banners) who felt that much of the knowledge which really equated to the study of mankind and all the physical political and spiritual systems that evolved around him  were sacrilegious. In others words man should not be eager to be "enlightened" or illuminated with certain kinds of knowledge. By now you have probably heard about this elusive group that has been around since around the mid 1700's and is somehow someway making itself more pronounce and not as secretive. For example,  in every industry there is an affiliation of its members. Banking, government, medicine, entertainment, food, education, energy and any all other industries and  world systems, have its members in place. Why are they in these industries? Well, supposedly they are to infiltrate the entire world with their new world order plans. So, with key people in place they can carry out their plans (we will get to their plans shortly). The hot topic today is the filtrating and influence of the entertainment industry. All "top" entertainers, including sports have an affiliation. Any and all that are huge and receive a lot of attention and marketing are being used to do the Illuminati bidding's. How simply put these stars bring the masses to the floor of influence. You may be asking how? Conceivably, it takes big money to promote anything in the entertainment field. Just because you see entertainers looking great and on top, does mean they did not have help getting to that point. They had to. It cost a ton of money to make block buster movies and songs. Therefore, the purse strings are always held by someone other than the big entertainers that you see.  The ones who hold the purse make the decisions, now fast forward to what you see in entertainment ( I leave it at that). But how, if the group started off as just a group that wanted full investigation and education of things like the physical sciences and math and the natural world as well as the universe  get to be "demonized?".

Well  it started, as mentioned previously, by the church who wanted all the power and therefore benefited in demonizing the group to keep people in the dark about what could really be understood by science.If people stayed in the dark, many things seemed more mystical and could only be known by God.  In other words, demonizing the Illuminati  was a way for the church to keep its power or power in "religion". An analogy would be like the Wizard of Oz story. Once the curtain is pulled back you could see man kind had power. Put another way, man's existence and power could be seen as, not so much an "out there" or "ethereal" but coming from within man himself. Sounds good right?

Well there is also another side to the story or history of the Illuminati.  As I mentioned previously, there is a belief that the group has always had a more sinister purpose and a more dark side (this is the overt claim by the Bavarian government and its reason for wanting such groups to be disbanded).  The origins is explained that there is a God and there is an enemy to God.  You must go back to the bible and read about the fallen or banded angel "Satan"  ( also called "Lucifer"  and also the "Morning Star") who was thrown out of the heavens for wanting to be as powerful as God. He had a very important role as the minister of music ( see the connection so far).  Once cast out of heaven he became the Prince of the air ways, seem also go further to say the God of this world. Now just as in Jesus times, where Satan tempted him in the wilderness and offered him the entire world if he joined him, he also tempts man today. Power is always the ultimate goal of man and satan ( you can see why one will not be very loyal to the other, both will not share power it is the nature of power not to be equaled or shared ). 

If you couple with belief that satan is the prince of the air ways and minister of music as his beginnings, it would seem logic he would put most of his efforts to working in these types of arena to gain power over man through this manner.  Remember, he has no love for mankind ( especially because God created and loved mankind) as his spirit went to the darkest of debts of spiritual existence. He seeks to corrupt and to defile what God made perfect. It is a plan to touch every part of man's existence to make it his own. He does this by setting up system on earth with man's help. This is where the Illuminati does it work. Making people sicker, less inclined to seek God, and to be morally bankrupt to the point God the creator of mankind is made out to be a fallacy, a figment of the imagination of a people, or at best a God that has no laws for man at all.  Supposedly, Satan seen as the seductress that he is tempts men with power, fame money and high positions. With allegiance to him, they must carry out his plans.

Today the  membership is carried out through those that have joined and passed down the wealth power and money to those who they have pulled in. The ultimate goal is a New World Order ( makes you wonder about founding fathers and their position on the Illuminati, considering the makers of the design of the New World Order and "eye" on the dollar bill, which is suppose to be the all seeing eye of Satan, was designed by order of the ladder leaders of the first ones who were partially reported to be "Free Mason" and had initially called them selves the "Framers", they were the first designers of the declaration of Independence ). The men that are a part of the Illuminati group believe that the world is better off with out certain populations Hence, one of thier biggest goal is one of depopulation. The men who are lead to want to control the population are themselves blinded by evil and distracted by power and materialism.

The end result is, depopulation ( here where man fools himself even more thinking he is powerful enough to dictate who lives and who dies, what a power trip). Well, depopulation is a part of  control.  Their sinister and satanic infiltrating the world industries, slowly and surely demoralizes mankind like a frog being cook in an increasingly warming pot. Man will not jump out the pot he is being cooked in if he hardly knows it is happening. Today many have taken on the assignment of exposure of the Illuminati, to bring it out in the open. There is plenty of information for anyone who wishes to understand what many are attempting to expose. I see it this way, if there is a sinister plot by such a group, the pot has been made to feel so relaxing so right, the call to be believed, will almost be a losing battle.              
Things to check out Start with the dollar bill : Follow the trail of the message on your dollar bill:

  • ANNUIT COEPTIS Translation :God has Favored Our Undertakings

  • NUVUS ORDO SECLORUM  Translation : A New Order For The World /  A New World Order


  • Read blog: "Did President Roosevelt ( free mason) Start the Publicly New World Order agenda  With the New Deal?"

  • Connection to Presidents to Free Masonry:

          Websites:  http://www.masoncode.com/The%20Great%20Seal.htm

           http://loveforlife.com.au/content/11/03/08/video-illuminati-freemasonry-international-bankers-new-       world-order-film-evan-sadler


  1. Just had a thought, I am not sure how this whole thing works, but perhaps, Bobby has now sold his soul, and whitney was the sacriface.

    I don't know how to put this together, so that people will see the link, if even there is a link. It just popped into my head, and unfortunaty I am so scatered brained that I just can't make it make sense...lol
    Maybe you or someone else who reads this can.

    If you do not want to join the Illuminati do not read this message. Rules * You must be above 18 years of age. * You must have full access to the internet. * You must not discuss the secret of the Illuminati to anyone. * We are not interested in anyone who has obtained their knowledge about the Illuminati based on what they’ve HEARD from Mass Media (News or Performing Arts), Conspiracy Theorists (Amateur or Professional Authors or Speculators), Internet Rumors, or other HERESY. * Once you join the Illuminati within one week of your membership you will achieved the greatest goal in life and also have wealth and fame. * No one discard the message of the GREAT ILLUMINATI if discarded the person will be tormented both day and night. * Failure to compel to the order and rules of the GREAT ILLUMINATI shall see your fame and riches taken back. * The money ALWAYS flows TOWARDS Illuminati members...And AWAY from NON Illuminati members... One of the rules of the Illuminati is "We don't talk about the Illuminati" so I can't say too much about it here. If you are truly interested and get back to me via email thailluminati666@gmail.com or call +2348169340571
    Do not play mind games
